Beaumont Birth Center
The Karmanos Beaumont Birth Center at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI offers the most advanced obstetrical care whether you are having a natural birth or a high-risk delivery. Along with your private birthing suite you will receive comfortable amenities, dedicated care team, customized birth plan, and the latest technology. DaVincii Obstetrics & Gynecology has chosen to work with Royal Oak Beaumont Hospitals for our obstetric needs because we want the best for our patients.
Beaumont’s Birth Center offers home-like amenities to give you the most comfortable birthing experience:
- Spacious labor and delivery suites
- Cozy furniture and sleeper sofas for the comfort of loved ones who will join you during the birth
- Bathrooms with massaging shower heads; some rooms for low-risk births have large, hydrotherapeutic tubs
Birth Experience
- Holistic techniques: aromatherapy, massage, and position-changing tools such as birthing balls and wireless fetal monitoring
- Skin-to-skin contact with your newborn immediately after birth
- Delayed newborn bath to allow your baby to gradually adapt to his/her new surroundings
- Cord blood donation bank
- Postpartum rooming in where babies remain with their mothers and families during their stay
- 24/7 birthing partner accommodations
- Infant-mother security system
After Care
- Room services with a well-rounded menu and personal delivery to your room
- Lactation support services and education for all breastfeeding mothers and their babies
- Meaningful information and guidance on care for you and your baby after discharge
- At-home follow up call to see how you are adjusting and to answer any questions you may have
Considering a natural birth?
Many women are interested in having a natural birth experience and Davincii Obgyn is committed to helping you explore all of your options. Our main priority will always be a safe delivery for both you and your baby. Below is more information on Beaumont Royal Oak’s Karmanos Natural Birth Center:
Inclusion Criteria
- Early term to late term (37 to 42 weeks)
- Low-risk pregnancy
- Complete natural childbirth preparation
- Agree to be transferred to a traditional labor and delivery room in the Karmanos Birth Center if needed
Exclusion Criteria
- No natural childbirth preparation
- Any condition for which continuous fetal monitoring is needed
- Any circumstance for which the patient’s physician or caregiver does not deem natural birth appropriate
- Desire/need for an epidural
- Significant obstetrical or fetal complications or risk factors
- Significant maternal medical conditions
Natural Birth Center Gallery
(248) 543-2229
(248) 543-7878